Friday, April 2, 2010

Seder Dinner - Passover

Last night our church was joined by my brother, JR's church and my brother, Philip's church at a Seder Dinner. We had 425 people at the dinner, so we had to have it at a location besides our church.

A Seder Dinner is the ceremonial dinner that the Jews celebrated at Passover every year to remember being rescued out of Eygpt. The program said "As believers in Jesus the Messiah, the exodus prefigures our rescue from the dominion of darkness through Jesus' shed blood. As we prepare for the Seder, by God's grace may we be cleansed from the leaven of sin hidden in our hearts." We ate unleaved bread, bitter herbs, roasted eggs and lamb. It was very powerful and wonderful to walk through all the steps that Jesus and His disciples would have walked through on the night he was betrayed. Even more powerful is the way in which Jesus broke from the tradition that disciples would have known from infancy to declare that the bread and the wine would no longer symbolize a lamb's blood and the bread they fixed in haste, but His body and His blood being broken for us. The kids don't get it all, but it is a great way to start them thinking about the wonderful work of Jesus...from the Old Testament through the New Testament and into today.

This is us at our table. (they fill the tables so we had a single lady with us)

JR and Philip's table (minus their wives).
Gretchen and Jason's table (minus Mac) with Mrs. Laura joining them.
Mom, Dad, Granny and Ruth with Ernie and Lynda Brown and Tom and Peg May.

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