For Mom's birthday (in October) we gave her an hour of family yard work. We told her that we would all do whatever she needed to improve her yard.

What she really wanted was the trees and overgrown brush cut down in the back yard. We live on the edge of the woods, but in time the woods grow and grow and take over the yard. Jon didn't know much about chainsawing, so he asked his friend Eric if he would help.
This is Eric and Jon (in his skin cancer protective hat and long sleeves) cutting up branches from a tree that they chopped down.

I didn't get an pictures of the kids, but they were there.

We cut down tree after tree and drug them to a pile at the edge of the woods. The boys put in a good hour or two and Eric stayed as long as he could. Jon and Isaiah and I worked all afternoon. It was addicting. I love that sort of thing. I way over did it. I could hardly stand by the time we went in for dinner.
We have more to do another day and hopefully we will burn as much as we can before the "burn ban" takes effect in May.
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