Since all of my siblings in-laws live in the area (except mine), we usually celebrate our Christmas on a different day than the 25th. This year we decided to celebrate on the morning of the 24th. We all gathered at Mom and Dad's house by 10ish.
Once we were all gathered in the living room, my dad (still recovering from open heart surgery less than a month ago) read the Christmas story from Luke 2.
All 21 kids and 13 adults (minus my sister Ruth who is in South Africa with her fiance, Gary) gather together.
Aunt Ruthie sent gifts to everyone. Mollee, Abby and Eleanor got African jewelry boxes and jewelry and Hannah and Louisa got puppets.
The boys all got African t-shirts.
The brothers all got soccer jerseys and the sisters got scarf. Emma got a hat.
The kids all draw names and buy a gift for one cousin. Isaiah bought Lou and Halo Mega Blocks set and got him some "used" SC Gamecock stuff.

Malachi bought Hannah a new baby doll.

Jonah got Emma a cute pair of socks and gift card to Target.
Elijah got Thomas a Nerf gun and a UGA t-shirt.
Ezra gave Abby a LIV doll (and Mollee got one too from someone else).
My favorite garbage man was always on duty to pick up garbage off the ground.
Then it was my boys turn to get gifts. Thomas gave Elijah a Halo Chopper.
Miles gave Jonah a pack of Halo guys.
Capps gave Malachi an construction vehicle.
And Mac was very certain that he knew exactly what Ezra would like--come to find out that he knew Ezra would like it because Ezra already has it and they play with it every time Mac comes over--GI Joe characters.
Tavis gave Isaiah a nice flashlight--Isaiah isn't too interested in toys.
We all joined together and got Dad a new chair and Mom a gift card to Lowes to get a new faucet (this is what she asked for).
Then Granny passed out her cards that always contain a monetary gift--which the kids love to get.
And everyone gave their gifts to Granny--books, picture frames, jewelry and cards.
Then it was Grandma and Grandpa's turn. Malachi got his first Playmobil set--a farm.
Elijah got a Knights/King Lego set.
Jonah got some Star Wars characters.
Ezra got a Playmobil workshop.
Isaiah got Lincoln Logs--he is my builder.
After gifts we all ate brunch. Egg casserole, baked apples, banana muffins, hashbrown casserole, bacon, bagels, etc. Yummy!
Then there was nothing left to do but play.

More Playmobil.
And of course, Legos, Halo and more Legos.
Lincoln Logs.
And just plain play.
It was a nice, fun morning.
Once we were all gathered in the living room, my dad (still recovering from open heart surgery less than a month ago) read the Christmas story from Luke 2.

Then there was nothing left to do but play.

Good recap, I may need some copies of those!