Yes, Elijah wore this to the zoo when he was 4.

Jonah and Elijah's first plane ride (2006)

Four brothers on the bed.

Jonah, Elijah (5) and Isaiah in their St. Louis Cardinals hats.

Elijah with the cousins that our his same age.

Three brothers in a tub.
Elijah's birthday celebrations started on Sunday. As is our family tradition, we celebrated his birthday with my family at Grandma and Grandpa's house after "church". Due to the snow storm and early morning ice, church was canceled. But by noon things had warmed up and almost all the cousins were able to make it to his birthday celebration. It was a very Lego birthday. He got two small Star Wars Lego sets and a Bionicle. Even his cake was decorated with Lego Alien Police characters.
He was able to open his gifts from us and the
My Grandmother (my Dad's Mom) lives in an apartment attached to our house. My Mom's parents had come down from PA for the month of January to escape the cold and were there for the celebration as well. (Elijah was named after my Mom's parents--Grandma and Grandpa Jackson. It is always special when we have an opportunity to have a picture made with Elijah Jackson Harris and Grandma and Grandpa J.)
On Monday afternoon, Mimi and Papa's gifts arrived. Elijah could not stand waiting to open them. As soon as Daddy walked into the house he was ready to open them. Florida Gators gear for his Build-A-Bear. He was very excited. (Jonah already had Georgia Bulldogs stuff for his BAB dog.)
Today on his real birthday, I sent cookies to school. Then Grandma J and I showed up at lunch with pizza for Elijah (2nd), Jonah (3rd) and Isaiah (K) and their three cousins, Mollee (3rd), Tavis (2nd) and Daegan (K). It was extra special because Grandma J was able to be there and see their school and meet their teachers.
So Elijah had a very happy 8th birthday.
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